For me, Freedom Journey represents the on-going path we take toward liberation. I think of liberation as that inward feeling of being cut loose from the confining restrictions we place on ourselves, mentally. For many of us, these restrictions were imposed upon us as children in school, through religion, upbringing, and as we grew older, our experiences in the world. We form judgments and blame and create inner rules…some of which are necessary to be law-abiding citizens, and some are appropriate for healthy boundaries and having a clear moral compass. Some, though, are just things we make up! We then go about our lives, living under the self-imposed structures we create which inhibit our ability to experience joy and consciousness

Through yoga, I believe we can begin to taste what it feels like to cut loose from those mental ropes that bind us so. We focus on ourselves in a deeper way, becoming the Witness to what we observe within ourselves and within our bodies. We then create deeper connections in our relationships and in our communities, and then our earth, and the Universe!